Hello again,

I just arrived home from a long day at work, but didn’t want to go more than a day or so without adding a new post so today I am going to cover what ” Everyone should know about C – Sections.

First of all, something to consider, every single labor has the chance to become a C – Section, and the rate is about 20 % in the United States.

Why are C – Sections done ? For a number of women, certain reasons can make it necessary to schedule a C – Section prior to labor starting. Moms can have placenta previa, a condition in which the placenta affixes itself over the lower uterine segment, either partially or fully blocking the cervix. The baby cannot be delivered vaginally through his or her placenta. Usually the doctors know this is the case as they can track placenta location with ultrasound.

Another reason for a planned surgical delivery is multiple births. At our hospital we only do up to twins, any pregnancies with more than 2 babies have to be delivered at a regional high risk hospital with an NICU – Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.

Some other reasons are, Malpresentations – meaning the baby is not in a position compatible with safe vaginal delivery. The most common malpresentation is breech, or buttocks first. The babys legs can be flexed or extended with their feet up by their head. Another bad position is transverse, baby lying sideways, with neither head nor buttocks as the presenting part. Most of these positions can be determined with ultasound.

Not common, but still seen at times. If mom has a medical or physical condition that her doctor deems unsafe for labor, such as a heart defect in which her doctors don’t want her to become over exerted, or another condition similar to that.

I hope this entry helps and as always your comments are appreciated by all.

God bless,

Meredith – RNC