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Good morning, afternoon, evening and good night,

Depending on where you are of course ! I will be making a couple of entries today, the first one, being this one and dealing with menopause. I’m sure this is a very important subject for many women and although this entry has been written by a frequent visitor to this blog, I will at some point add to it. Since this entry has been written by a reader, it is her experience that she has drawn from this entry, not necessarily medical fact. As always, we all appreciate your input and experiences.

God bless,

Meredith – RNC

I DO NOT claim to be an expert on menopause, but, I am writing about it in hopes that I can help someone out there, that may be going through the same thing, to the degree in which I did/am.

I never had anyone tell me that there would be days, months, YEARS like this! The first thing that my Dr. checked when I was having “emotional moments” was my thyroid (as I had one taken out with a tumor in it) and it caused all kinds of different emotions. When she found out that I was dead center in menopause, she about fell off her chair. Maybe it was the mention of it (hahaha) that started all of the other symptoms to kick in. But, I can tell you from experience that out of the 37 symptoms that I found listed, I had 35 of them!!!

For a very LONG time, there were days that I thought that I was on the edge of loosing my mind! There were days that I felt like I was in a VERY DARK depressing room and had no way out. I would go from crying to laughing to angry all in a moment! I really thought at times that I was going crazy. I could handle the “hot flashes” (Power surges) it’s the emotional part that I hated the most, as I didn’t know when or where I would fall apart. And it could be most anything that would set me off.

I just want you all to know, I KNOW how it feels. You may feel like you are loosing your mind, but you really aren’t. My way of trying to ward it off is taking natural vitamins, including B’s, fish oil, Golden flax seed, Primrose oil and of course don’t forget the calcium. Try to stay away from the caffeine or maybe like I did, cut way back on it. ( I felt a big difference) I didn’t take any perscription medicine for menopause, as I felt that the side effects were actually worse than what I was going through. Believe me there were times when I wanted something, anything to take the feeling of “I was loosing my mind” away.

I found by talking to a couple really close friends and letting them know what I was going through, helped alot also. When I had “one of those days, they would help me through it, just by being there and talking to me, holding me while I cried (actually sobbed) over nothing, trying to lift me back up.

The important part for me also was being able to try and put that energy into something positive. I would pray, and or listen to uplifting music. It always helped, alot. If I am connecting with anyone on this, again I want to tell you that I can so relate. I know what you are going through. Maybe I went/am going through this, to this degree, to help others. I hope I have helped in some way.

God bless,


Hello again,

I just arrived home from a long day at work, but didn’t want to go more than a day or so without adding a new post so today I am going to cover what ” Everyone should know about C – Sections.

First of all, something to consider, every single labor has the chance to become a C – Section, and the rate is about 20 % in the United States.

Why are C – Sections done ? For a number of women, certain reasons can make it necessary to schedule a C – Section prior to labor starting. Moms can have placenta previa, a condition in which the placenta affixes itself over the lower uterine segment, either partially or fully blocking the cervix. The baby cannot be delivered vaginally through his or her placenta. Usually the doctors know this is the case as they can track placenta location with ultrasound.

Another reason for a planned surgical delivery is multiple births. At our hospital we only do up to twins, any pregnancies with more than 2 babies have to be delivered at a regional high risk hospital with an NICU – Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.

Some other reasons are, Malpresentations – meaning the baby is not in a position compatible with safe vaginal delivery. The most common malpresentation is breech, or buttocks first. The babys legs can be flexed or extended with their feet up by their head. Another bad position is transverse, baby lying sideways, with neither head nor buttocks as the presenting part. Most of these positions can be determined with ultasound.

Not common, but still seen at times. If mom has a medical or physical condition that her doctor deems unsafe for labor, such as a heart defect in which her doctors don’t want her to become over exerted, or another condition similar to that.

I hope this entry helps and as always your comments are appreciated by all.

God bless,

Meredith – RNC


Let me tell you now, this isn’t going to be real exciting. It was actually a pretty quiet day. Although we did have a woman who went from 3cm dilation to 10cm in about an hour, which is odd and rather insane. She was on her fifth child though, and believe it or not, that makes a huge difference. That was about it for the day though, nothing crazy, nothing complicated. I’m tired, talk to you soon.

God bless,

Meredith – RNC



I hope  you all had a nice fathers day weekend.

Well my last entry consisted of timing contractions and whether or not you should come into the hospital, today I am going to cover when you SHOULD go to the hospital for labor OR otherwise.  OB after 14 weeks, and to the ER earlier. 

NON-LABOR REASONS: FALLS- Anytime you fall and injure yourself even if you didn’t fall onto your abdomen.

INJURY: If you get hit/kicked or punched in the abdomen ACCIDENTAL OR OTHERWISE. This is very important.  For falls or injury you’ll get monitors for a few hours and blood tests to determine if the placenta had any injury at all. 

DECREASE IN FETAL MOVEMENTS: If the baby is not moving, and hasn’t moved at all for one full hour, even little movements, usually we will monitor you and try to get the baby to move.

CHANGE IN YOUR VAGINA DISCHARGE: If watery, muccousy or bloody you’ll get monitered and get a speculum exam to check for bleeding, water breaking or possible vaginal infection.

FLU OR OTHER GI UPSET: Throwing up and not keeping anything down, possibly with diarrhea, you’ll get monitored and possibly an IV for hydration.

PRETERM CONTRACTIONS: Prior to 36 weeks, more than 6 contractions in 1 hour, and they may be painless.  You’ll get monitored and depending on how many contractions possibly an IV and Meds to stop the contractions.

BURNING WITH URINATION: Probably a urinary tract infection, you’ll get monitored, ( I say that a lot huh, : ) ) a urinalysis and antibiotics if an infection is found.

EPIGASTRIC PAIN: Pain in your upper abdomen ( not over your uterus ) on the right side commonly.  Some times seen with visual changes.

VISUAL CHANGES: Seeing spots, sparkles in your vision, and

SUDDEN WEIGHT GAIN: A gain of 2-3 lbs. or more in 1 week can be accompanied by an increase in swelling of the feet and hands, these last 3 can be signs of preeclampsia, commonly called toxemia, a dangerous syndrome combined with elevated blood pressures and abnormal lab values.  You’ll be monitored depending on the severity of the preeclampsia and you may get an IV for fluids and or Medicine.

LABOR: If you are past 37 weeks and you think your water broke and you’ve had contractions 5 min. apart or closer for at least 1 hour ( 2 is better ) and are having ” bloody show ” , mucousy blood tinged discharge, you may be in labor, get to the hospital immediately.


I will be covering more here in the next few days, I hope this information helps you, and as always, if you have any questions or comments please feel free to chime in.  Talk to yaw soon.

God bless,


Meredith – RNC

This being my first post, and primarily because I’ve spent so much time trying to figure out all this blog set-up stuff, my post will probably be a little short.  However, no matter how insignificant this may seem, do not take this lightly. 

I have to believe that I am not the only one that has felt this way, but while at my Postpartum depression support group this past Monday I remembered 3 VERY important points that are true:

  1. Its not your fault.   Its not because of anything genetic from you.
  2. You did not cause it.  No matter what you did, you did not and can not cause this.
  3. It WILL get better.  If you keep working towards getting better.  Talk to your healthcare team and counselors and take any medications needed.  IT WILL GET BETTER !!

We are stressing those to the mothers in our support group but no one told me that.  I had to figure them out for myself, maybe that made me stronger for having to work through it myself, but thats the point of our support group and thats the point of this blog, for you to find the help and support you need so that you don’t have to go through this alone. 

I want to strongly encourage any of you who have had experience with this to offer your advice and experiences on this discussion.  There are a lot of women out there that could use your help and experience, they need to know that they are not alone and that these feelings have been felt by many of us.

Talk to you soon,
